How To Reinvent Yourself


Do you lack self-discipline, accountability, and structure? Feeling restless or stuck? Want to escape? Do you want a Balanced Mindset?

Well, today I'm going to share how we can reinvent ourselves and design the lifestyle that we want for the purpose of the post I have broken the process into some major steps of envisioning a plan and take action.

1. Self Awareness - Invest in your identity

The number one thing had you to do was to address it and acknowledge all the things that were harboring within myself. And the first of that is to actually take into account where you currently are and be honest with yourself. So, one of the first tips that I will suggest is actually facing that darkness head-on.

  • Journaling, spill out the thoughts in your head onto pieces of paper and then read it through.

So first, you need to sit down and take some time to envision what your ideal lifestyle would look like. Start describing the day in your life and here are some questions to guide you in the process:

  • Where are you now?
  • What do you dislike and want to change from your current situation?
  • But also, what do you like and what you appreciate?
  • Where do you want to get it?
  • How would you like to feel?
  • How would you like to be?
  • What can you do?
  • Do you want to be with that person?
  • Where do you want to be two years from now and five years from now...

There is one book that can help you understand the concept of "Law of Attraction" that I can recommend is called "The Secret is a 2006 self-help book by Rhonda Byrne.

Once you have all of the goals written down and you have envisioned where you want to go then you can move to the second step.

2. Systems, not Goals - Know your "Why” (What is your life goal?)

The second thing you need to do is to be super honest with yourself and determine the type of person that you want to be rather than depressed about it and just really getting in your head.

  • Where you want to be and how you're going to get there?
And the easiest way to do this is, again, to write these things down.

  • Vision board, don't get lost in how am I going to get there.

Plan how to take action. A concrete action plan that you will commit to it is important to start with small steps so for each of your goals you want to write down something Actionable that you can include into your daily Routine but bear in mind that it should be easy enough for you to stick to it so basically, you have to ask yourself:

"what small things can I do every single day to start cultivating the lifestyle that I want now?"

There is one book that has been pretty much life-changing for many and I really recommend it which is atomic habits from James Clear.

One thing that we must always have in mind is that we cannot expect different results if we keep doing the same things so in order for something to change we need to do things differently. We can sit here and draw out all the bad habits that you have already in our day-to-day. But now look at your routine what is one thing you can take out now in a workout, start small: Physical, Mental, and Soul.

Day to day, write down that first thing that comes to mind and tackle that one first. At this point, there is no moving on. You stick to that one habit that you have that you are trying to kick. Forget about the other ones that are really bad that are also in your life. We want to perfect and change your whole entire perspective on this one idea that has become your reality. So getting good at this one bad trait or habit that you have been excelling at to perfecting it, knowing it like the back of your hand, knowing how to jump back from it right away, and then moving on to the next.

3. Self Improvement - Let the right ones in

And this leads me to my third tip is that there's always someone who's done exactly what it is that you want to do, or has been where you want to be.

  • Mentor
  • Coach
  • Consular
  • Advisors
  • Friends

If you're going through any suffering and pain study your mind. We're on the internet, do your research it's in the palm of your hands, you have access to it. Study what you're struggling with and reflect on that change of your perspective on things before reacting to it. Take a step back and acknowledge the situation and what is going on. And then allowing it to just be.

4. Self Empowerment - Challenge your way of thinking (Change your thinking to get the results you want) and Break away from the old you (Find an impossible goal and hit it)

The last tip of this section is to keep yourself accountable. So do not give yourself a choice.

Accountability Partner

Practice the "5 Second Rules" by Mel Robbins

And just execute, and the more you start to do stuff like that the more you are developing into a different type of person.

And how did you do it?

  • Meditation
  • Affirmations

One of the books that really helped many out a lot was "How to Win Friends & Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. And another one is "The Untethered Soul" by Michael Singer.

Because when you allow yourself to be consumed by your thoughts it's impossible to reinvent yourself because your thoughts really do create your reality.

Reinventing yourself has a lot to do with not caring what others think and not allowing them to consume you. They don't deserve your time and they definitely do not deserve your energy. So that ultimately becomes what you create not realizing what you're harboring and what has consumed you and fully has taken over your mind and your heart.

Reinvention is a journey. Let go of the attachments. Trust the process and acknowledge the bad habits.

Other Book Recommendations
The Places That Scare You by Pema Chödrön
The Five Levels of Attachment by Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.

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